A group of eminent social workers of the state made a humble beginning of establishing an organization of the children in the state to bring them under the wide banner of a common society of children and established Sadou Asom Parijat Kanan in 1950. Simultaneously another organization, Assam Pradeshik Maina Mel, was established with the same objective. These two state-wise organisations amalgamated in 1954 and thus emerged as Sadou Asom Maina Parijat (All Assam Maina Parijat), the only state-wise organisation of the kind in this noble field.
The organisation has a pound in the field with 1936 primary branches all over Assam. The organisation thus made steady headway and entered into fifty-six years of existence and has celebrated its Golden Jubilee in 1999.
Free Education Centre: Two Education Centres named as PARIJAT KUNJA (PARIJAT VIDYALA) are providing free education to children at pre-primary and primary levels.
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District wise list of Bracnhes with number of associate member, maina and semonia